Saturday, October 27, 2007

Picture Pages...

So I'm still feeling wonky. Fortunately there is good news:

1. I have an appointment with a GI specialist on Wednesday.
2. I have my own office! With my own desk, credenza, bookshelf, and file cabinet. There might even been a chair involved. I left early Friday after getting sick. Hauling all my stuff to the new office made my stomach flip over in a bad way.
3. I have CLE on Thursday through Saturday of next week. That will be a fun change of pace, hopefully.
4. I have pictures of finished projects. I finished my Hogwart's Socks (not pictured) too.

But first, here is the picture of my package from my Secret Pal. That yarn? Purple and green mohair/wool blend which will soon be a Branching Out for me. Purple and green are my permanent favorite colors. I rotate out other favorites depending on the season. This summer it was pink and yellow. Right now it's browns and reds. The reduced fat milk was not part of the package. Folk Socks was.

These are my finished Waterfall socks. The pattern and yarn came from Miss Babs through the Woolgirl sock club. This was an awesome first installment. The yarn and pattern were accompanied by a sock club journal and pen, (which I use to write down names of books at Barnes and Noble to request from the library, notes during my daily bible study, or presents Josh or others mention for Christmas), lip balm from an etsy seller, and the most gorgeous stitch marker I've ever seen. Well, besides the ones I got in the package above. I don't think you can see them. I need to start a shawl so I can show them off. The sock pattern was simple and so quick with the sportweight yarn. They are shorter than I usually knit though with a longer toe than I prefer, but it was fun to try something new so I stuck with the pattern and I'm pleased.

Mr. Lulu is making his happy face, glad to have new admirers in his harem of women. Was it Chris Rock that said every woman needs two boyfriends, the gay one and the straight one? Mr. Lulu is very happy to be a gay boyfriend to any girl cats out there. He'd love to shop at Target with you, watch Bridget Jones Diary, or just eat some Ben and Jerry's. He won't judge you. If you share.

I've been putting together a final package for my Secret Pal. It's definitely autumnal in nature. I'm putting two more things in on payday and then shipping it out. There's no sense in going too over the top, is there?

I've been making....thrummed mittens! They are hell on the hands knitting the thrums through (say "thrums through" ten times fast!) but so soft inside. I can't wait to send these to my Ravelry Mitten Exchange pal in Minnesota. They would be essential here maybe two days out of the whole year.

I also found a pattern for the alpaca from my first Secret Pal package. Aren't these gorgeous?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see how that green knits up!

Your SP11 secret pal!

October 28, 2007 at 7:43 AM  

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