Sunday, May 20, 2007

My house smells like bleach. The poor cats are wandering around sniffing as if to say "What is this clean we smell?" The dogs are shaking their coats, trying to get another layer of dirt on the clean, looking annoyed at me for undoing all their handiwork. Typically, I use crunchy-granola type hippie cleaners, but for DH's disgusting shower (think 5 months of me refusing to clean it because I don't use it..I gave in) I had to cave and buy a bottle of Tilex. It works, but my throat burns now. Lovely.

I graduated yesterday. There are pictures of me in a tam soon to come. We had a lovely dinner, I received cash that I'm trying to decide what to do with, and a fun readymade scrapbook for dog pictures.

Tomorrow I start PMBR and Barbri classes. For those unfamiliar, be glad. Think 8 hours of videotaped lecture.

My phone has been ringing off the hook for the lab rescue. So many dogs, so little time and money. I'm getting back to cleaning and sorting for next weekend's garage sale. My poor puppies need some cash for boarding and lovely things like heartworm treatment.

I made my husband walk down to the LYS with me from our Sunday brunch spot. They've moved into a bigger space. It's HUGE. Fortunetely for my wallet, they were closed. I keep reminding myself that they don't have the things I want (Peace Fleece, Blue Sky and Socks That Rock) so I should stay out. If I wander in there, I'll convince myself to do something silly like make something out of the Big City Knits book or buy sock yarn that I really am not wild about, and I don't want to do that.


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