Tomorrow is my birthday. I am sick, sick sick. It's a combination of stomach sick and sinus cold. Strange combo. I dread the fact that I will feel bad on my birthday. Josh is getting reservations at
Benevita and I've been promised a funny card. He and I are big "card people". For my 16th birthday he got me a card which said "Happy Birthday from me and the cat from hell". The front was an adorable orange kitten wrecking havoc on downtown Tokyo, like a kitty Godzilla. We have contests on our anniversary and Valentine's Day to see who can make the other one cry with their choice of mooshy card. Really all I want is to feel better. I'm about to take some Benadryl and pass out for a bit.
I also dread that I have a practice MBE on Saturday for 6 hours and am exhausted. Hopefully after a nap I can get 50 practice questions done. And all tomorrow until dinner. What a way to spend a birthday! It's okay because everything will be better.
After the bar exam.Lest I sound all woe is me, I picked up three skeins of yarn at The Loopy Ewe yesterday. Two of them are the
Duets line she's carrying now (that exact colorway was one of my three, slightly different than my normal crazy color explosion choices), some Zen String and a stitch counting bracelet. Switching from one color to another for heels and toes will be a new skill for me to acquire.
After the bar exam. I hate how I have to post-script everything I say with that, but that's okay. Right now life seems like the beginning of the Wizard of Oz, all black and white. I imagine on July 28th, walking out of the bar exam, everything will be in Technicolor, like the Emerald City.
I think I've amassed one (or more) of each brand of sock yarn I wanted to try as a beginning sock knitter. Socks that Rock, Tofutsies, Panda Cotton, Yarn Love, Duets, Zen String, Lone Star Arts (on the needles, so soft!), Lorna's Laces (on the needles, love it!), and some random indie dyers. I look forward to systematically getting my needles into all of it.
So, even AFTER my haul yesterday. I am still refreshing like a mad woman on
Momma Monkey's etsy shop. Check it out and tell me you don't want one of those kits! I want three of them, the only one I don't want is the one with the orangey-ish colorway. I will be good and maybe just buy the Eugenia sock pattern and
afterthebarexam find some solid color pink yarn to work it up in.